Frese P/T Plugs


Why A FRESE P/T Plug?

Our dual core seal design with the membrane coupler serves a dual purpose…

Dual core design allows the bottom seal to close, sealing your system before the probe is fully removed through the top core.

The membrane connecting the two separate cores maintains true alignment for increased ease when interesting probes.

FRESE’S 1/8” Mini Plug

This Sisco plug was created at the request of our customer for use where space is constrained. Use anywhere you can use a 1/8’ NPT Schrader Valve.

FRESE P/T Plugs Are Unique

Unique ideas for using a Sisco Plug:

Inject or extract substances from lines while in operation

Bleed air or gases

Separate extension:

Separate extension: You can use the same test equipment on plugs with extensions “Our core is always at the top”

Measure flow rates: Position one plug on each side to be tested. Determine pressure variance by subtracting the downstream reading from the upstream reading. Pressure differential can be used to determine flow rate.

FRESE Test Kits Designed To Support Our Plugs

Conforming to the specification requirements to consulting engineers and to provide the customer with a master test kit.

Sisco presents four test kits in a sturdy custom carrying case. Remember, one portable is better than multiple permanent installations.

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